Building a data pipeline on the Crypto market

Docker made it easy to build a container which contains all necessary tools.

In this project, I implemented a real-time data pipeline for crypto information and news about crypto which is crawled from this website. I’ve used docker for running bigdata tools like HDFS, airflow, Kafka, Elasticsearch and Kibana on a virtual container flow of data in this pipeline is shown in the below image

flow of data
flow of data

This Project contains three main Parts:


In this Part, with the help of Apache Airflow, I crawled news and information about each crypto in defined time intervals. after preprocessing and cleaning downloaded data for each time interval, I designed an other dag in airflow for merging data of multiple intervals and saving them in HDFS, and also entering the data into the Kafka channel.


All of Part 2 was about Apache Kafka. In this part, we have 3 different Kafka channels with their own producers and consumers. The channels are as follows:

  • Data channel: data is written in this channel by airflow.
  • Preprocess channel: data cleaning is done in this channel and data is sent to elasticsearch.
  • Statics channel: future statics analysis is done in this channel.

writing and reading data in Kafka is done by the kafka-python library in python.

Part 3

Saving data in elastic search and visualizing statistics using Kibana were the goals of this part. After saving data in Elasticsearch by elastticsearch library of python, I applied several visualization graphs with the help of Kibana and finally use them to design a live dashboard in Kibana. The dashboarded is in Persian language due to Persian data and is shown in the below image


Amir Mesbah
Amir Mesbah
Master student in Computer Engineering (with a major in AI)

I am a graduated Master’s student from University of Tehran.