Multi‑Agent Distributed Reinforcement Learning for grid Environment

average reward for belief based algorithm

In this project, I’ve Implemented a grid environment with 2 agents and 2 goal states. The agents have to learn to reach the goal states by receiving the maximum reward and avoiding obstacles. The environment is shown below


Elements of Environment:

  • Agents: Blue Squares
  • Obstacles: Red Squares
  • Goal States: Green Squares


After training each agent lonely with the sarsa algorithm, I implemented several distributed algorithms like:

  • Distributed On-Policy algorithms like SARSA
  • Min-Max Q-Learning
  • Belief Based Algorithm
  • Distributed Actor-Critic


The average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA, Min-Max Q-Learning, and Belief-Based learning is shown Below:

  • Average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA

Average reward for SARSA
Average reward for SARSA

  • Average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA

Average reward for Distributed SARSA
Average reward for Distributed SARSA

  • Average Reward during the learning episodes for Min-Max Q-Learning

Average reward for Min-Max Q-Learning
Average reward for Min-Max Q-Learning

  • Average Reward during the learning episodes for Belief Based Algorithms

Average reward for Belief Based Algorithms
Average reward for Belief Based Algorithms

Amir Mesbah
Amir Mesbah
Master student in Computer Engineering (with a major in AI)

I am a graduated Master’s student from University of Tehran.