Multi‑Agent Distributed Reinforcement Learning for grid Environment
In this project, I’ve Implemented a grid environment with 2 agents and 2 goal states. The agents have to learn to reach the goal states by receiving the maximum reward and avoiding obstacles. The environment is shown below
Elements of Environment:
- Agents: Blue Squares
- Obstacles: Red Squares
- Goal States: Green Squares
After training each agent lonely with the sarsa algorithm, I implemented several distributed algorithms like:
- Distributed On-Policy algorithms like SARSA
- Min-Max Q-Learning
- Belief Based Algorithm
- Distributed Actor-Critic
The average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA, Min-Max Q-Learning, and Belief-Based learning is shown Below:
- Average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA
- Average Reward during the learning episodes for SARSA
- Average Reward during the learning episodes for Min-Max Q-Learning
- Average Reward during the learning episodes for Belief Based Algorithms