Behavioral Analysis of subjects by designing a Psychopy task and analyzing the results

Accuracy of Subjects for stimulus in each Eccentricity.

In this project, I’ve used the collected data from Psychopy Task, and several analyses have been done on this data.

Cleaning the Data

  • Correcting Column names
  • scaling reaction times
  • handling NaN values
  • removing outliers

Exploring the Data

  • looking for correlation and relation of each pair of features

Prediction of Behavioral Characteristics

  • looking any relation between reaction time and other features
  • looking any relation between accuracy and other features

Psychometric Fitting

  • fit psychometic functions for location, visual field and Eccentricity as a variable
    psychometic function for location of one of the subjects is shown below:


Spread of PSEs

  • Statistical Test to check if PSEs for different location, visual field and Eccentricity are independent

Reaction Time Correlation to Choice Complexity

  • Check the relationship between reaction time and handness of each subject

Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA)

  • check similarity of PSEs for location, visual field and Eccentricity

RSA for `location is shown below

location RSA
location RSA

Amir Mesbah
Amir Mesbah
Master student in Computer Engineering (with a major in AI)

I am a graduated Master’s student from University of Tehran.